Looking for good ideas, under the darkness of night, you and your friend decided to break in into Idea Corp. to steal one. Your friend is responsible to transmit all the information about what it's being done to you using the support app while you go out and get your hands dirty!

In this cooperative game, one plays using the operative mode and the second player can access informant mode.
Download: The Great Idea
Main Menu

The player takes control of a field agent responsible to find The Great Idea.
The Operative has access to information about it’s location around the map and is reponsible to relay it for The Informant.
The Operative receives the transmitted intel to unlock doors and disable traps.
Password panel (unlocks doors)

The player in the Informant role receives the location of the operative:
With the location at hand, now has to transmit the intel to the operative.
Access panel (unlocks blueprints)
Level Design
First Version
Sketch (left) and result (right)
Level Update
Scenario expansion
Front (left) and back (right)
Final version
Lights on (left) and Lasers on (right)
In-game screenshots (Operative mode)
The Great Idea

The Great Idea

This game was made during the 2018 Global Game Jam within the 48 hours and polished afterwards.
