Treasure hunt is a program of 12 different games for each months in a year, which is designed for the children in Pennabili to build a close relationship between them and the landscape of Pennabilli. ​​​​​​​Children are provided with a treasure hunt box, which consists of a map module with 12 game maps, a booklet and a calendar. They can use the box to have different gaming experiences with the landscape of Pennabili.

The mission of our project is to design strategy, tools and further actions to enhance the interactions between landscape, the Festival, its audience and local communities. By treasure hunt project, we expect to establish an intense dialogue between local communities and Pennabilli's landscape. Children are expected to build a more meaningful relationship with the nature they are living in. By the help of this project, they can learn and play in the landscape. Lastly, this project can be run for not only one year and it could be run in different areas

Sector: Cultural initiatives   Social impact  |  Arts  |  Landscape 
Responsibility: Creative Director, Graphic design 
Project date: 2018.04    

In order to make children spent enough time in the nature, we designed a system for treasure hunt games where each month is based on a special topic: the topics were inspired by Tonino Guerra’s quotes about 12 months of one year. His beautiful words shows different elements in the nature of each month in Pennabilli, which can be used as our "treasure".
As a result, in this project, every month has different treasure hunt activity. In each month, there are 4 phases: the preparation, the actual treasure hunt, a creative activity related to the treasure hunt and finally the exhibition of their achievements. Actors in this program are children and the community( parents, teachers, organizers...). Every month's game map changes on the map of Pennabilli, which encourages children to explore this new landscape.
We did a booklet to give instructions to people. It describes our games' procedure including the preparation (week 1), treasure hunt activities (week 2), instructions for using "treasure" to do crafts (week 3) and exhibition part (week 4). We also considered the help we need from community and other actors in different games in our booklet.​​​​​​​

The aim of the video is to give an overall view on the natural landscape of Pennabilli and the activities held in the town, with a focus on the landscape. A kid is narrating and talking about his stories with nature. The storyteller says that there is lack of relation with nature leads to depression and deficit in creativity. As a result, we found opportunities that if it’s true that the children of Pennabilli spend more time outside during the 4 days of the festival, how can we make sure they will be willing to do the same also the rest of the year? And this is the question we will answer to, with the future project.



Storytelling | Prototyping | Cultural production | Event design
