Missão Bioma - missaobioma.g1.globo.com - is a newsgame created to use real news to make players learn about the environment, gain points, and advance further.

The game was launched by TV Globo in January 2012. In that year it had more than 1,1 million unique visitors  -- mostly youngsters -- playing and reading environmental news.
We are working on a new version that further enhances the mix between news and games.
The 1st Brazilian newsgame targets the young generation that likes online games but does not read the news.
The host of the game is a news reporter, and the goal is to improve environmental conditions in the 6 main Brazilian biomes.
To have more “green money” to buy defenses, players can do a number of things, all news-related. For example, they can choose environmental news stories that they want to read and spread them through their social circle.
Players can also answer important questions concerning environmental issues. To do so, they can watch a short video.
The final resource is the challenge tab, where users can invite other players to help them with a real environmental question.
Missão Bioma

Missão Bioma

Missão Bioma, the first Brazilian newsgame, launched by Rede Globo in 2012, targets the young generation that likes online games but does not rea Read More


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