Creative Direction / Copywriting

The idea around this campaign focused on creating awareness towards Knorr Bouillon and the fact that many Hispanics around the US already have it in their kitchen, but they don´t use it on their white rice.

The campaign has yet to see the light of day; even tough it tested very positively amongst the target audience, the client had to put it on hold because of money issues.

The TV spot is not by any means the final production, but as you can see the idea delivers in many levels and the message is clear... if you don't add Knorr Bouillon to your rice it´s definitely not going to take it lightly!

Nothing like a bowl of rice committing suicide to really get the message through to our consumers!
The signs are clear, can anyone please help this rice?!
This is a Scratch N' Sniff print ad, it would be the very first for Knorr.
Another idea for the Scratch N' Sniff ad, what we are aiming here is that "mmmm"  feeling and aroma whenever Mom is cooking in the kitchen.


Provided the creative idea, wrote the text and drafted a drawing for the Art Director to work on.
