Maquette Game Art Dev Log Part 2!
You can visit part 1 in my profile, or here: Part 1 
Welcome! If you've seen part 1, you already know what's Maquette about, so let's jump into this next log. It's been a while, and a bunch of work has been done. Next you'll see some of the new models in the game.
Each of them with new features, and continuing with the art style.
Every one of these models were made in 3DStudioMax, textured in AdobePhotoshop handpaint, and then added in Unity 3D.
Also, moving forward with the development of the game, in the studio we worked hard with te User Interface and User Experience, because we want to make this an didactic and intuitive game.
This was the firs.t concept shot I did for the UI. Using the cardboard and paper concept, making it move closer to a virtual board game
And then, a couple months later, you can see the actual UI/UX fully functioning in our brand new Beta Trailer for this 2019!
(Still in development!)
At this moment, the game is really taking form, and we as a team are looking for various ways to approach the market with this PC didactic game.
That's all for this part of the ArtDevLog. I'll keep uploading further in the development.
I hope you all like what we're doing!
You can follow us here: Instagram Facebook Youtube
Maquette Game Art Part2

Maquette Game Art Part2

This is part 2 of the Game Dev Art Log of Maquette! Menic Indie studio game in development.
