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Russian military special forces uniforms

Features of the form of special forces of the GRU, FSB, riot police and Alpha groups - camouflage of the Russian Army
Special Forces - military special forces, prepared for a special program and designed to perform special combat goals and objectives. Obviously, these units, among other things, should be the most mobile, maneuverable and durable, and in this matter the equipment of the operator plays a significant role.
Features of the special forces uniform of the Russian Army
The ordinary inhabitants, not related to military service, had a stable opinion that military clothing is distinguished by the highest quality and best durability. And this is no accident! After all, the main features of the special forces form are to ensure maximum comfort for the wearer.

Regardless of the climatic conditions that a soldier finds himself in, the uniform for special forces must minimize the possible inconvenience of weather conditions, be it heat, cold, gusty wind or torrential rain. In addition, despite the external bulkiness, the suit should not hinder or impede movement, allowing you to quickly respond to any unforeseen situation. Thus, the basic principles that must be met clothing, are practicality, convenience and functionality. In these matters, without doubt, the main role is played by the fabric from which it is made. A popular material for many manufacturers of workwear is rip-stop (RIP-STOP), which is based on woven crisscross heavy-duty nylon threads, which guarantee product durability. The costumes made of this material are durable, cold-resistant, waterproof, not blown, non-flammable with sparks and do not burn out in the sun, and moreover are relatively light.

Another purpose of workwear is camouflage, allowing the soldier to merge with the surrounding terrain and remain unnoticed by the enemy. Camouflage clothing is conventionally divided into three categories:
monochromatic (a bright example is winter white or monochromatic sandy, called “sand”);
camouflage (on the fabric two or more colors representing any pattern);
clothes with the use of additional masking materials.

Types of spetsnaz uniform The spetsnaz uniform, regardless of the military unit, is universal and is divided into the following options:
- summer tactical form of special forces;
- winter special forces uniform.

By appointment, the form is classified into:
- field;
- everyday;
- ceremonial.
The field uniform is the main option used when conducting combat operations, field exercises, as well as when eliminating abnormal and emergency situations. Her style and color depend on the task. Everyday is meant for daily use. The dress is worn exclusively on holidays and vacation days, as well as on the occasion of celebrations. A distinctive and memorable element of dress uniform is the beret, the color of which is determined by the military unit. The special forces elite are fighters in the mare beret, who for the right to wear a beret of this color undergo tough qualification tests.

The form of the GRU special forces of Russia. The main task of the GRU is to ensure the state security of our country, often serving in the enemy’s territory. Most of these formations are considered classified. In this regard, the field uniform - the GRU special forces camouflage has no distinctive or characteristic features. It may be completely identical to the uniform of another military unit.
The GRU special forces field uniform has no distinctive or characteristic features.
This is a historically established circumstance: in Soviet times, special forces were distributed into combat units, which, in order to hide their location from the enemy, were carefully disguised as other branches of the military. In addition, there are cases in the intelligence community when officers, working under cover, dress up in the form of privates. The dress uniform of the GRU is distinguished from the field by the presence of a tunic and white shirt. Special forces camouflage for field conditions. The field uniform of fighters in most cases has camouflage coloring. The special forces camouflage is a camouflage color of the fabric that makes it difficult to identify the object. To achieve this goal, there are two camouflage functions:
- deforming (for example, the form of special forces Alpha);
- imitation.
The deforming function is achieved by violating the integrity of the perception of the object through the use of contrasting color gamut in camouflage, which distorts the silhouette of the silhouette. A vivid example of the camouflage deforming function is a set of special forces of the Russian Federation of mountain troops, called the “Gorka” suit, which is made using large contrasting elements.

The camouflage uniform of the Russian Army and Special Forces is endowed with an imitation function, which is achieved by merging an object with the background by using a color palette characteristic of the terrain of field operations. With regards to the color of camouflage, to perform the functions described above, it must meet two requirements:
match the color that is often found on the ground (the object literally merges with the background);
be unpleasant or unobtrusive to the human eye (so that the look does not intuitively stop at the object).

To date, camouflage colors are predominantly shades of brown and marsh, khaki, olive, gray, black, and the following textural color schemes are used:
- KZS Color-57 (“Border Camouflage”): olive or marsh background with angular spots of sand, gray-silver or khaki (form of special forces of the FSB);
- “Butan” (“Amoeba”): colors can vary, the principle of the scheme is that dark spots and amoeba-like patterns are applied to the light background;
- HRV-93 ("Birch tree", "Watermelon"): oblong dark green and brown spots are vertically applied to the light green background;
- HRV-98 (“Flora”): differs from HRV-93 in that the spots are horizontal;
- EMP (“Russian digital flora”, “Russian pixel): in this color scheme, small (“ pixel ”) spots that perform the imitating function are distributed in such a way that they form groups of large spots that perform the function of deforming;
- “Undergrowth”: sharp angular spots of marsh and black colors are applied on the light background;
- “Raster undergrowth” (“Raster”): a twisted brown network is superimposed on the color scheme of the original undergrowth;
- "Tiger" ("Reed", “Camysh”): dark stripes are applied on a light background, horizontal in the "Tiger" variant or vertical in the "Reed" variant.

And in the end! The Russian army is on the verge of large-scale modernization, one of whose projects is the introduction of combat system "Ratnik". A new form of special forces of Russia is a complex of everything a soldier needs on the battlefield: clothes, weapons, ammunition, medicines, as well as guidance, tracking and communication systems. The main goal of modernization in general and the warrior in particular is to make a multifunctional super-soldier out of an ordinary fighter!
Russian military special forces uniforms

Russian military special forces uniforms

Russian military special forces uniforms


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