Netflix ~ The Umbrella Academy

For this project that Netflix had hired me through the agency, it had placed us in a team of four people to come up with innovative approach of posters for the show. As an art director my sole job was to adapt the original posters to fit the Italian scene.

Per questo progetto, che Netflix ha incaricato l'agenzia di realizzare, è stato formato un team di quattro persone con l'incarico di creare un approccio innovativo per la realizzazione dei poster della serie. Come art director, il mio compito è stato quello di adattare le già esistenti creatività alla scena Italiana. 
"What if your brother, the super-high one, should save the world?"
Launch campaign "The Umbrella Academy"
Client: Netflix
Agency: SuperHumans
Art Director: Giacomo Sovrano, Antonello Ciavarella, Alberto Terribile
Copywriter: Antonella Spinella, Alessia Buono, Martina Pietraforte
Editing: Giulia Zumpano
With the participation of 'Educazione Cinica'
This is an adaptation of the original poster that Netflix gave to the agency.
I had to manage this billboard using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. 
This is a video made by the Italian YouTube channel 'Educazione Cinica' 
(Cynical Education), interpreting the role of the head teacher of an affiliate
institute to the Umbrella Academy.
Train station in Torino, IT
Netflix ~ The Umbrella Academy