Explanation Below Artwork
Hanging By A Thread - 
This piece illustrates society's effect on self-image. The threads on the doll-like croqui represent the effect that society's expectations can have on women.The mirrored background reflects the viewer, prompting many to identify with these damaging experiences.
This piece is my depiction of what a panic attack can feel like. This can be caused by many factors, and self image/self doubt is a prevalent one. 
What Do I Think?-
In most of my pieces, there is a reflective element so while looking at the piece, the viewer can literally and figuratively see him/herself in the piece.

This piece is about the process of looking at yourself in the mirror, and how painful this experience can be. It can be difficult to accept what you look like inside and out. Much of this pain and frustration is created by society and our surroundings. There is a complicated relationship between who you are and what you want people to perceive that you are. A lot of the time, we are trying so hard to be that image we want to be seen as that we lose what is important- a love of self.
When we inevitably cannot meet those standards to their fullest through social media like Instagram and Snapchat, (not getting enough likes/views/comments/etc.), we feel let down.
A “like” can only go so far. After these temporary confidence boosters fade away, we are still left with ourselves. We need to learn to love ourselves for us- not for anyone else.
This piece represents society's treatment of women. Women are always found to be wrong no matter what we do. If we are wearing too much- we are too modest; and if we are wearing too little, we are "asking for it." The stop signs are representative of women always being told to do the opposite of what we are doing, but they also represent the need to put a stop to this treatment.
This piece is a celebration of women's bodies- in all shapes and sizes. 
Social Media-
This piece represents how social media can take over our lives. It is important to take a step back and focus on reality.
This piece represents someone who holds in all their pain and puts a smile on every day, pretending everything is okay. But, it is okay to not be okay. We do not have to hide it. We should talk to others- there are people there to help and who are feeling the exact same way; we do not have to put on masks to conceal how we really feel. We have talk more about these issues, be more kind, and communicate more.

This piece focuses on the need to focus more on accepting who we are (inside & out) and spend less time obsessing over and trying to be like others. We all have greatness within us, and happiness comes from not only loving others and being loved, but truly loving your authentic self.



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