Alfonso Gug's profile

"Y U MAD" Campaign for Greenpeace and Amnesty Int.

Joining the campaign of “No more weapons for atrocities” by Amnesty International and “Zara Detox” by Greenpeace, we decided to create “Y U MAD” campaign to promote freedom of expression while collecting signatures for these causes.
The funds collected were going to be reinvested by adding them to the sponshorship achieved with Prepa Tec in Querétaro for the team to attend the invitation of Amnesty International to the conference in Mexico City of “Culpables Conocidos/Víctimas Ignoradas” with the presence of Alberto Herrera (Executive Director of AI), Anabel Hernández (Founder of Mexican newspaper Reforma and Diario milenio), Jacobo Dayán (Academic Director of content of the Museum “Memoria y Tolerancia” and Silvia Vázquez (activist on Human Rights).
"Y U MAD" Campaign for Greenpeace and Amnesty Int.

"Y U MAD" Campaign for Greenpeace and Amnesty Int.

Joining the campaign of “No more weapons for atrocities” by Amnesty International and “Zara Detox” by Greenpeace, we decided to create “Y U MAD” Read More
