Mackay Atencia's profileJack Brown's profile

Travel Poster Project

Puebla, Mexico Travel Poster

The main things that we had to revise were evening out the color in some places and making the font less generic. Spots on our images, such as the blue spot on the left part of the church above, had to be evened out to match the color of the rest of the church. In addition, the typography had to be changed so that everything is in all caps.
Puebla, Mexico is a place known for its beautiful churches. We leaned into this fact by placing a grand church as the center piece of our poster. We also learned while researching that Puebla is also known for its volcano named Popocatépetl. We added an image of a volcano to pay homage to this, while also using it as an accent in the background of the photo. The sunset was added to create more color variation to emulate the very colorful city. Finally, the typography was chosen as it was simple while also being very prominent. The choice of colors was to contrast the sunset to add to the legibility and aesthetic value. Overall, this photo has very vibrant colors, great contrast, and fully captures everything beautiful about Puebla, Mexico.
Research photo 1: Francesco Di Beutierio

Research photo 2: Francesco Di Beutierio

Research photo 3: Fred Giet

Research photo 4: Francesco Di Beutierio

Research photo 5: Kristen Boydstun
Travel Poster Project

Project Made For

Travel Poster Project

Travel poster for Puebla, Mexico
