Emma Moberg's profile

Homewards (school assignment, 1st year)

In my first year of upper secondary school, me and a friend teamed up to create a video game trailer for class. I was in charge of character design, and was given a set of traits to base my character around from my teacher. 
The main character of this game was supposed to be
- Joyful and excitable
- On a quest to acquire beauty
with these two pointers I set out to begin work. 
We decided that the characters we worked with would be birds, and I immediately knew that I wanted to make Aderyn a kiwi-bird. Playing as a bird without the ability to fly would make for an interesting experience in my opinion. 
Even though Aderyn wears a mask, she can easily emote outwards through differentiating eyeshapes and body language. 
While coloring, I decided to give Aderyn vitiligo, a trait that I share with her. I know that some people with vitiligo believe themselves to be ugly because of it, and Aderyn is no exception. This is a journey of self-love, so to speak, because over the course of the game she would realize that there really is no need for her to pursue beauty when her current looks are nothing to be ashamed of to begin with. 
I also created quick concepts of two secondary characters for Aderyn; Lori, who is Aderyn's character foil and love interest, she is silent, seductive, and full of herself; and Wilbur, a grumpy old man who acts as Aderyn's mentor character in the beginning of the game. 
Finally, I created a messy concept sketch of what the landscape of this game would look like. We were going for dull, the aftermath of a great disaster.
Homewards (school assignment, 1st year)

Homewards (school assignment, 1st year)
