The assignment

Norges Kreative Fagskole i Bergen is moving to another location in Bergen. 
Come up with a concept design for the new school premises.

Decorate/ furnish the following:

First floor:
- Reception/ social zone
- Bar area

Third floor:
- Social zone
- Group room for interior design students

The concept

The concept is based on development, improvement and innovation.
We wanted to give the school premises an image of being innovative, as much as they keep valuable traditions in their studies.

The concept collage below shows what we based our work on.
Front view and floor plan
Drawings of the different rooms
Reception: Day // night
Bar/ social zone: Day // night
Hallway // Reception area
Second floor: Social zone // group room for interior design students
We designed our own reception counter and bar counter, which is based on old industrial buildings.


School assignment with client involved Group work


Creative Fields