A guest lecturer who heads Wingårdhs visualization department encouraged this emotional interpretation of the local landmark Kuggen. I'm quite happy with it despite its technical flaws, as it represents an important point in the development of my working method, a return to a 3D-centric visualization technique.

The image's story is one of career passion at an envisioned future book publisher. To highlight the juxtaposition inherent in the architecture, I chose to focus on the young script-reader still willing to stay and read a book for pleasure after clearing their desks, whereas more seasoned personnel follow protocol and take on arduous tasks like proof reading before heading home at a more reasonable hour. 

The story was inspired by South Korean artists Moon Kyungwon and Jeon Joonho’s exhibitions, especially News from Nowhere.

 ‘Sci-fi is always the fable of the present. By employing a way to look at the future instead of the present, we wanted to address current issues, especially in relation to what art is and what art could be.’


The Cog

The Cog
