Emma Boulton's profile

Saving Lives At Sea

An exhibition catalogue for the National Maritime Museum’s exhibition Saving Lives At Sea.
This project was an exercise in typography. I feel that I learnt a lot from this project making my work a lot more professional.
I wanted to keep my designs simple as I felt the photography needed to stand out and I didn’t want it to detract from the imagery.
These are a selection of my photography for the catalogue.
I am very interested in Photography and for me this was a big part of this project.
The brief was Man Vs Sea and I wanted to get across the powerful nature of the sea. I felt that the black and white images were stronger as the contrast was greater. 
This is my design for the poster that promotes the exhibition.
I wanted it to mirror the themes in the catalogue to link it to the exhibition. 
I chose a simple design as I wanted the exhibition title to be the central focus of the poster. 
The orange colour mirrors the colour in the Maritime Museum logo.
Saving Lives At Sea

Saving Lives At Sea

A Typography project designing a Catalogue and a Poster for the Saving Lives At Sea Exhibition at The National Maritime Museum Falmouth
