Éditions Pépé's profile

Wakekeys — Branding

Visual identity — Wakekeys
Wakekeys visual identity relies on four core values: the keys or the lock, symbols of learning and experience: the silhouette, symbol of head, heart and body alignment; the awakening, symbol of knowledge sharing; and the arch and window, symbols of light.

— the keys or the lock:
The method of coaching is entire, multi- and cross-disciplinary. Mastering theoretical (learning) and practical (experience) technics, from coaching to training, through mental preparation and Ericksonian hypnosis, it will be a long-term support for its client.

— the silhouette:
The objective of coaching support for the client is to allow him/her to grow his/her performance thanks to cognitive (head), emotional (heart) and behavioral (body) dimensions.

— the awakening:
The brand's vision is to share its knowledge for others and their environment to help its clients to grow and develop according to their own performance and objective.

— the arch and window:
The coach is to be a guide or a counselor. She does not claim to be higher in the hierarchy or to be a professional that knows better.

These four dimensions are at the heart of a support for the individual opening towards new perspectives. The intend of this identity is to communicate the brand values to its clients through graphic and iconographic resources.
Wakekeys — Branding

Wakekeys — Branding

Wakekeys is a brand for coaching, mental preparation, formations and hypnosis support. The branding and visual identity of the health brand explo Read More
