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Superfoods are products that contain a minimum of calories and a high concentration of protein, vitamins, minerals, essential acids and antioxidants. Name of the company metaphorically reflects the principle of healthy eating: eat only what is good for your body.

Superfood is a school of healthy eating. It teaches you what to eat and how to eat in different situations: in addition to the main course on the healthy eating system specialists of Superfood talk about healthy eating for children, vegetarian food and healthy recipes.

A universal way to improve your health and mood.

Nature is a wonderful harmony of life. Each element is inextricably linked with others: the lioness hunts antelope in high grass of savannah, but after years she dies to become a part of the fertile soil, on which new plants will grow. The variety of species exists in the eternal cycle of life.

Inspired by the images of nature, we created a logo, that contains elements of the earth's fauna. The green leaves have sharpened ends, which gives them even greater similarity with the organs of plants. Through simple associations the sign reveals importance of healthy eating: just as the leaves absorb sunlight and give a plant energy, healthy food becomes bricks for building organs and tissues.

The name SuperFood is painted in different shades of green, which creates a bright dynamic of the logo. Through the color scheme we reflected the changes, that client wants: the dark green color of "adult" leaves reflects the state of a body with isial nutrition, and the "young" green — well-being with healthy eating.

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Superfood is a school of healthy eating. In addition to the main course on the healthy eating system specialists of Superfood talk about healthy Read More
