Peter Chrzan's profile

Lost in America - Look Book

Lost in America
Lost in America was a look book created for a fashion marketing class. It involved not only directing and styling a shoot, but also creating a physical book. The concept was "A family of alien factory workers crashes in the rural deep south. They decide to blend in to survive until their ship is repaired. They attempt to try everyday human activities. Their odd work wear makes them stick out, attracting the attention of the locals." The garments were created by SCAD senior, Peyton Inoff. This was a group collaboration that involved a team of very talented individuals.
Professor Oscar Betancur
FASM 210: Digital Presentation Techniques

Design Director - Peter Chrzan
Fashion Production Design - Caroline Ramsey
Fashion Producer - Sara Devries
Fashion Stylists - JuanMA Salas + Anthea Sombroek
Fashion Photographer - Julia Blandford
Aliens - Mo AlSobaihi + Jin Liu
Garments - Peyton Inoff
Lost in America - Look Book

Lost in America - Look Book
