Nature: Keep Yourself In The State Of Awe
Beautiful sceneries and sometimes even small trivial things are able to send you in the state of awe. Being in this state gives your life meaning. Be in awe, and your mind will clear itself of negativity. Be in awe, and gratitude will fill your heart by default. Be in awe, and you'll never get depressed.
      Reaching the state of awe is easy - start with small things like light bouncing off the surface of water or a repetitive pattern of a wooden park bench, a crack in a trunk of a tree or an intricate design of a parapet creating perfect shadows, a blooming bush or a little flower standing on its own because its seed happened to have travelled where the wind brought it, a little flower trying to make the most our of itself and resemble a tall palm tree as much as it can
      BE IN AWE - it makes your life worth living!
Unfocused sun reflecting in the water canal:
 Beauty with the help of some digital magic
Wood: Processed and natural but equally beautiful
Intricate beauty of the modern design
You don't have to be a tall palm tree. As long as long 
as you use all your potential and send somebody in 
  the state of AWE!
A simple walk irrespective of where you live and what whether is outside, will leave you with something to admire. There's its beauty in the cold rain and wet feet, and the beauty is in coming back and getting warm and cosy. There's beauty in the hot desert - you would never appreciate a sip of water more than after a desert encounter. Freezing cold offers lots of opportunities - those patterns created by frost are worth living for. 
     Of course, there's absolute beauty in travelling and capturing those breath-taking moments of awe with the perfect creations of mother nature.
There's magical power in stillness of water. It gives you a feeling of absolute peace, slows down your thoughts to the pace of wisdom, and creates magnificent silence in your mind. You don't have to think about anything else - just open your eyes and feel this healing vibration.
Water or woods - an encounter with either of these will leave you enlightened, because the nature created these sources of wisdom to help your eyes and mind rest so that you could appreciate what you have and move towards discovering the purpose of our life. Never neglect an opportunity to stop and spend a minute in awe with the beauty of nature. .
State of Awe

State of Awe

Nature and the State of Awe


Creative Fields