Above you can see our base logo for the event as well as our tagline and location information. The luggage tags were used as our save the date which was sent out to all the juniors and seniors to remind them of the event coming up. The tags were created using a basic manila luggage tag that we then rubbed in coffee grounds and baked.  The logo and information were stamped onto the tags with rubberstamps created by an Etsy vendor.  Then the diferent colored ribbons were cut and tied to the tags. Then on the back we again stamped a vintage key and hand wrote each of the 1500 peoples mailbox numbers that were invited to the event. These took hours to create with about 10 people involved because they were all hand made from scratch.  A lengthy process but a quality product we ended up with that got people ecited about our event. The rock was painted using stencils created with our logo on them.  The rock is a great way to advertise events on our campus because it is at a central place on campus that everyone will walk by during the day.
This is the series of posters that we used to promote our event. They were hung in buildings around campus as well as printed on lamppost banners that could be hung around campus along the walkways. I did the photography for them on a designated photoshoot where we used an old studio building and Yellow Springs and a pea field behind a mans house in Yellow Springs with his permission.
These are some giant posters that were created from my photography during the photoshoot. The big panaramics were about 16 feet long by 4 feet heigh printed on vinyl. They lined the top of the staircase to give the viewer the appearance that they were standing in the field with the models. The three panel posters created a window piece approximately 9 ft. wide by 4 ft. tall.  They were hung about 25ft above the student center in the window seen above.
These are the shirts that were created using our logo.  The shirts were created for the committee members as a tool to promote our event and officiate ourselves as we were selling tickets to the event.
These are some pictures of how we decorated our Student Center.  Everytime there is a big event at our school, decoration of the staircase is key because it is one place that everyone will interact with.  We cut out our logo out of a huge piece of foam board and painted it in some of our theme colors. The table was decorated with some props similar to those that would be represented as table decorations at the event. We also made over a hundred paper cranes out of paper that we ripped from an antique book. We clothespinned those as well as polaroids on a string hanging in front of vintage wallpaper we lined the stair case walls with. We also had the big twine balls that were formed around balloons that hung above the ticket table.
This was a website that I created using a Wix template.  The site offered information about JS such as the venue, the entertainment, tickets, our committee, as well as showing exlusive pictures from our photo shoot.
This is a video that I filmed and put together amidst our photo shoot.  It was played on repeat outside our dining hall so as people were going to eat they could see a little bit of our theme.  The film tries to convey the theme and setting we were trying to sell as well as give some basic information about the event.
These are some photos of the actual event we put on. We had a beautiful venue in downtown Columbus and some great food. The floor was filled with tables with some really great flower arrangements and old books and pottery picked out by Taylor that fit in perfectly with our theme. The balcony served as a place for our band that played dinner music for us and there was also a photobooth that friends could get their pictures taken at.  The balcony also served as a great place to people watch down below. For our after dinner entertainment, we went over to an old theater for some videos, skits, and the first ever JS dancing!
This is the committee that helped put on the whole event.  I did the photography and layout of these mini profiles for each member of the committee.
Junior Senior

Junior Senior

Junior Senior is a big event that the Juniors put on for the Seniors at Cedarville University to celebrate their graduation. Their is a selected Read More
