A sophisticated
identity for the legendary.

In celebration of the 20th year of CEMDS

The College of Economics, Management and Development Studies (CEMDS) came to existence in 1998, the same year in which by the virtue of the Republic Act 8468, converted Don Severino Agricultural College to Cavite State University (CvSU). The college humbly began as the Department of Social Sciences under the Office of Higher Education. In early 1980's, the said department was replaced and divided into two; namely the Department of Agriculture and Agribusiness, and the Department of Rural Development Studies.

Cavite State University's colleges has their own representation, and CEMDS' representation is a Knight. CEMDS students are Knights fighting for their success and victory as professionals.

Bold, Fearsome, Disciplined, Fierce 

My original concept for the identity is to use a Teutonic Knight to represent the attributes, but midway during the development of the logo I had second thoughts.

A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch, bishop or other political leader for service to the monarch or a religion (specifically Christian Church), especially in a military capacity. But I need to develop an iconic and with culture for the identity for the college. Though the Philippines is a Christian dominated country, it never had Knights. Knights are popular during the medieval period or middle ages (5th Century - 15th Century) in Europe, Christian colonizers (Spanish) arrived in the 16th century. 

After doing series of research, I found the best candidate for the Filipino equivalent of a European Knight, the Moro Warriors. Like the European Knights, the Moro Warriors are in military service for a religion. So I'd like to argue that they are the equivalent of a Knight. The word "Moro" is a term for Muslim people who lived in the Southern Philippines, an area that includes Mindanao, Jolo and the neighboring Sulu Archipelago.  Before the country was colonized, during the middle ages the most dominant religion is Islam – during the middle ages Islam spread through the southern parts of the archipelago and became firmly established there.

There's been a long history of tension between Christians and Muslims. European Knights are well known for religious campaigns, like the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Christian Church in the medieval period. The most commonly known Crusades are the campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean aimed at recovering the Holy Land from Muslim rule by fighting and killing Muslims.

The Moros are well known for their successful resistance against Spanish, American, and Japanese colonizers. The most notable one are the resistance of the 19th Century Moro Warriors. After the fall of the first Republic of the Philippines during the American Occupation in 1902, these radical group of warriors fought till 1913. They are famous for attacking American soldiers with their barong blades. The Moros caused a lot of casualties to the American Military. The resistance of the Moros against the American colonizers is very inspiring, their characteristics as fearsome and ferocious during the Philippine-American war fits well to the attributes of CEMDS. So it has been decided to use the Moros as the main inspiration for the concept of the new CEMDS Knight identity.

References and Drafts
Fig. 1 Photo Archives of 19th Century Moro Warriors

"A knight riding a gallant stallion carrying a barong blade
 with a shield charging fiercely forward."
Some visual elements from the previous logos were retained.
The previous logos are made of generic vectors available in the image search engines when you search for the word "Knight". These vectors were taken and modified without acquiring a license to modify it. This can cause copyright issues, and legal concerns. 
Font and Colors
Orientation And Branding
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