The territory of winemaking centre is conditionally taken in Vedi city. While creating the project we have observed relief features of the area under consideration.
The winemaking center is intended to be implemented as a one-story building with basement floor and consisting of five blocks. From the main entrance / digit 0.00 / to the west there is a dining room for the staff, in the front of the entrance there is a tasting hall, and the central building with a separate entrance is located in the east. On the first floor of the latter there should be a wardrobe for staff, and on the second floor - the administrative part. From the main entrance to the east, in the corridor, it is intended to construct exhibition hall with its store. We have connecting lines from testing hall and central building to the wine-making, bottling, fermentation and exporting buildings, the basement of which is used for wine storage and aging. In the eastern edge of the winemaking center, with a separate entrance, it is envisaged to carry the reception and pressing building with storage facilities.
The buildings are connected to each other with glazed bridges. Outdoor parking spaces are designed in the total area.

