It's All Yours

Turkish people likes to change their own car twice a five years if they can afford it. They always want to talk about cars and models and technologies.
Most of in Turkey websites about cars and conversation about car technologies.

Garenta is one of the biggest car rental brand in Turkey. Our audience would like to try every car.
But this thought is become a big dream when we are talking about  their budget for it.  

So we’ve made an online film and it has published on websites about car. We’ve said to our audience: “It's all yours”.

Advertising Agency: Havas Istanbul

Chief Creative Officer: Ergin Binyildiz
Creative Director: Yavuzhan Gel
Art Directors: Mert Ozkaner, Caghan Celensu, Cagatay Can,​​​​​​​
Copywriters: Seyma Keklik​​​​​​​, Umut Karacaoglu​​​​​​​

It's All Yours