Allison Babka's profile

2013 RFT Web Awards

No one likes a judgemental jerk all the time, but being one occasionally is kind of permitted.
"The Riverfront Times'" managing editor tapped me to assist with the 2013 RFT Web Awards, which honors St. Louis digital stars for their websites, social media, app development and more. All that writing and researching I do for the RFT music section and my corporate clients pays off, eh? From November '12 through January '13, I went through the thousands of reader-submitted nominees for 30 categories, critically reviewed the shortlist, helped select and communicate with our large panel of judges, suggested social media strategy, wrote promotional stories and winners' capsules, and edited bios.
Oh yeah -- I spent 48 hours actually judging crap, too. 
We capped off the awards with a huge party, winner write-ups in print and on the blog, and a Storified chronicle. Links are in the captions below.
Gorgeous print cover that I had nothing to do with.
I wrote this. Sure, my name is now "Riverfront Times Staff," but I still wrote it (and formatted the long list of finalists). Look at that sharability! Full version here:
They let me put my name on this -- possibly because my pretty face (the one surrounded by pink hair) is part of the package. Full story:
I wrote this and the capsules below for the print and blog edition that celebrated the winners. I'm back to being unnamed staff. Read everything here:
My full Storified chronicle of the awards event can be found at
2013 RFT Web Awards

2013 RFT Web Awards

I organized and wrote the hell out of the 2013 RFT Web Awards.


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