Design for a furniture webshop. The furniture is scandinavian, hence the more scandinavian look on the webshop, and to brighten up the day even more: the background is a blurred version of the northern sky above the forest in the afternoon.
Here, first image, is the images in a grid-system, and the yellow boxes are the search words I used in the search box. To add more, one clicks the search icon and write searchwords + enter. To remove search words, one simply clicks the little circle+cross to remove it.
When clicking on one of the pictures above, the one you click will flip and more information will be shown about the object. Click "Images" for a larger slideshow and "Buy" to put in basket.
A larger sllideshow will appear when clicking "Images".
This is the weekly newsletter users of the webshop would recieve. Containing data about the past week such as sales, top users etc.


Fictive website for Lycka, scandinavian furniture. Images from furniture company Swedese.
