The Pressing Issue

Objects are encoded with information and meaning. 
They have many physical properties and attributes, additionally they contain and embody information that cannot be quantified as data.The project observes, conceptualises and recreates the ink roller. It takes the communication of ideas and exploration of process to its core. By understanding and decoding the ink roller, a set of instructions is formulated to encode a new meaning to the object.This project is about experimental and discursive design.

Digitally printed ‘The Pressing Issue’ lookbook.
Digitally printed ‘The Pressing Issue’ manuals fixed on rollers.
Lasercut manual with vinyl transfer, attached on a pane of acrylic.
Natural materials wrapped around the rubber of roller which 
are unconventional in their nature.
Natural materials like marigold, grass, stones used to create the concertina fold. Vinyl logo on top of a book cloth covered concertina fold.
The Pressing Issue

The Pressing Issue
