Art for Enablement is definitely one of the more meaningful work that we've done and certainly very different from our usual projects. 

Enablement is a Dutch-based, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of disabled people in developing countries in Asia and Africa. They were looking to use illustrations within their app, Rehapp, to educate users on how to better care for those with spinal core injury. 
We proposed two potential art directions for them. In the end, they preferred the more realistic looking art direction.
While the introduction video itself mostly portrayed Nepalese, the app is meant for use internationally. Thus, there was a conscious choice to depict the characters within the app of various ethnicity and both genders. 
There was also close-up illustrations for the reference of health workers.
Finally the app was released on the Google Play Store and Apple Store! These are some screenshots taken of the Android app. We hope that the art that we've done will be useful for the users of the app.
Working on the illustrations for the app has been an amazing learning experience for us as this is, obviously, a field that we are not familiar with. For example, we never knew that the people with spinal core injury can still ride motorcycles! Some tasks might be harder than them but they are really not as helpless as we would think!
We are currently working on artworks for new chapters such as Cerebral Palsy, Amputation and Leprosy!  
Account Manager : KC Ng
Lead illustrator: Tan Hui Tian
Assistant illustrator: Manice Teo, Cherie Tay, Shirley Tan, Wong Yi Qin, Ho Keng Jin, Toh Jing Sheng, Priscilla Tang

Rehapp illustrations


Rehapp illustrations

Rehapp is an app to educate users about disabilities and how to live with it.
