My submission for the 5th Edition of the 36daysoftype Challenge 2018 - a project that invites Designers, Illustrators and Graphic Artists to express their particular view on letters and numbers of the alphabet on these 36 days.

36 days of restless creativity.

This set was created for the 2018 edition, which ran from April 3rd to May 8th, 2018. It was my first time and even if i didn't manage to complete some of them(as I was busy with some other priorities that came up) I'm glad I took part. I enjoyed it to the full. I did the letters from A - I and then O - R. Can't wait for the next one to come about.

For this project, I wanted to make the letters and numbers feel more personalized, so I took a more playful approach. I experimented by relating the type to a subject be it a person, animal, character, place etc

36 Days of Type 2018


36 Days of Type 2018

Alphabets i designed and illustrated for the global project 36 days of Type
