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후각의 시각화 Smell Lab branding (Visualization of the sense)

Visualization of the sense of smell 

Humans return to memories and places that they have easily forgotten when they take on a particular incense. This process is very vivid because the olfactory is the closest organ to the brain in the sense of the nose. When we take on the fragrance of the past, it collects through the same olfactory receptors, nerve cells, and nerves. In this process, we remember people, memories and places of the past. It is because of the "power of fragrance" that we feel comfortable in a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. 

The nerve cells of the nose are connected to the amygdala of the brain and the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for associative learning, but the other senses are not related to the brain part responsible for emotions and associative learning. Only the smell stimulates emotions and memories. Recently, brand experience design is a very important part of branding. Fine branding stimulates the user's sight, hearing and deeply tactile sense. However, brands that stimulate the user's smell are still hard to find.

As I said above, olfactory is a very useful means of recalling human memories, and I think that to be able to stand on the edge of the brand of the future, the brand should be able to occupy the smell of the user. Whenever you take the scent of anywhere and anytime, it makes a brand that comes up immediately. I think whether the future brand is a necessary qualification.

[후각의 시각화 - SMELL LAB]

근래에 브랜딩에서 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있는 브랜드경험은  이용자에게 브랜드를 각인 시키는데에 목표가 있다. 
최근 브랜드 디자인은 사용자의 시각, 촉각은 쉽게 자극하지만 아직 인간의 오감을 모두 정복하지는 못했다.
여기서 후각은 앞서 말한 목표에 부합하기 가장 쉬운 감각이다.
후각은 오감중 유일하게 우리의 기억을 담당하는 해마와 연결이 되어 있기때문에 
인간은 냄새로 쉽게 추억과 장소를 떠올린다.

고유의 향을 맡으면 언제어디서나 특정 브랜드를 떠올리게 하는것.
미래의 독보적인 브랜드 반열에 서기 위해서는 필수적으로 가져야할 자질이 아닌가 생각해본다.

후각의 시각화 Smell Lab branding (Visualization of the sense)

후각의 시각화 Smell Lab branding (Visualization of the sense)
