Samuel Ashton's profile

ISTD Student Design Award Submission


This was my entry to ISTD student design award.  The brief asks you to explore the meaning of food. Its looks for stories about food and from that tell another story. Most importantly its is about  what those changes signify and how they reflect the people, their culture and social lives. 


With the pie at the centre of my research , I discovered that the concept of the meat pie was born during Roman times. Through the ages, its connotations moved to one of royalty, a complete contrast to all classes enjoy pies at the footie today! At half time, a pie and a pint is the common stable diet of the fans. The beauty of the pie, within this context, is the tactile nature of it, grabbing it in your hands and biting into crisp buttery pastry and being met with hot and oozy gravy / meaty combinations on the inside. The masculine dominance of attendees at football and connections between the pie and masculinity became the crust of The Life of Pie.  
ISTD Student Design Award Submission

ISTD Student Design Award Submission
