Rose Ellis's profile

Abstract Representation

Abstract Representation
The objective of this project was to create an abstract representation of our choice of either a plant or an animal. For this project I chose to make a representation of my French bulldog, Chance. 
As you can tell by the pictures above, Chance has a lot of personality, making him a good subject for my project. French bulldogs are great companion dogs. Their friendly nature and clown-like personalities have made them a popular breed. For this assignment, I wanted to show the friendly, adorable side of French bulldogs while including their trademark features like their big bat ears and large, loose skin folds. 

I started this project by doing a few sketches of French bulldogs to study their shape. 
After getting a general idea of their shape, I then proceeded to make a few contour drawings on tracing paper. Contour lines are lines that describe or define the edges or contours of a form. 

After selecting the contour drawing the I liked best, I then scanned in the image and traced it on Adobe Illustrator. Below is an image of the traced contour drawing. 

I changed the weight of a few lines, but the image wasn't quite where it needed to be. My professor suggested I do more with the lines, so I went back into illustrator and came up with a different result. Below is an image of the revised contour drawing.

For this project, I was also required to come up with a word and a texture that described the subject. At first, I had trouble coming up with a single word to describe Chance. A few of the words that I came up with to describe Chance were magnetic, friendly, funny, loyal, clown, and charmer. I settled on using the word charming. One of the definitions I found of charming was pleasantness and attractiveness used to influence people or used to make people like them. Chance definitely has this effect with his friendly personality and cute appearance. The font I selected to use for this word was Garamond in all caps. I chose this because I found this style to seem absolute, further carrying the message that Chance is charming. 

I had several different ideas for which texture I should use. I landed on selecting an image of the soft glow of Christmas lights. I chose this because I believe that Christmas lights, like Chance, have their own charm. Also, their soft glow gives those who gaze upon it a warm feeling, a feeling that I get when I come home to see my dog waiting for me. The image I chose has shades of bright yellows and oranges. Perfect colors to further convey the warm feeling of a charming personality. 
Lastly, I placed the designs into a few mock-up files to show what they would look like in the real world. Below are the results. 

Abstract Representation

Abstract Representation


Creative Fields