BackUP, a newly designed orthopaedic brace for posture correction.
BackUP is a newly designed posture correctional back brace that focuses on treating bad postures. It includes a uniquely designed hinge located on the backplate of the brace, acting as a angle measuring device for tuning to different angles for different stages of treatment. This design provides physiatrists the option to correct the Flexion and Extension positioning of the spine for patients that require spine support, spinal repositioning or better posture in general. Mechanical joints are strategically positioned in areas that avoids direct bodily contact for maximum comfort. BackUP will be the next revolutionary correctional brace that enables users to look and feel fantastic while getting their spine treated.

BackUP 是一款改良型醫療脊柱輔具, 重點在於它利用伸张正椎的手法讓醫生可以輕鬆的調整病人 Lumbar Spine 的上半部 (L1-L2) 與下半 (L2-L3-L4-L5) 角度, 來維持或修正病人目前的脊椎状况,并且在治疗后恢复與脊椎的最佳體態。 這可調式的功能也代表BackUP能幫助醫療師節省為病人重新客製化打樣的時間,讓病人的治療時間縮短。 不僅如此,BackUP的造型就是外型,讓使用者輕鬆美觀的帶出門改變了以往戴護具的不便與不雅觀。

Final Working Prototype
Youtube video:

