Mike Gangwere's profile

Singularity — Album Art

About the artwork:
The concept behind the album art is simple. Visualize the story the music is telling. The music was written to be listened to start to finish, like a book. This story unveils peaks, valleys, excitement and energy, alongside focused pauses and deliberate lulls. The overall idea is about many different parts coming together as one new figure. The music plays with elements of noise, ambience, heavy rock, and electronics, all while maintaining a razor-like precision. This was visualized with an abstraction of a planet-like shape enveloped in energy beams in the shape of a icosahedron. The swirls within the planet are meant to show a blending of elements, while the overall image is powerful, bold, and memorable. The album artwork is a glimpse into a fictional world, and it's up to the listener to use their imagination, and continue writing the story as the music presents itself.

About the band:
Formed in 2009, Standing in the Colour are an experimental rock band from Wichita, KS. The trio is made up of husband and wife Mike (drums, electronics) and Erin Gangwere (bass), and Erin’s brother, Mark Green (Guitar). Their approach to songwriting is prismatic and larger than the sum of its parts. Each song is founded in the expanse of post-rock but rarely stays put, unfolding and contorting to expose layers of progressive metal, electronic, and ambient music.

Promotional photo taken at Intake Studios.
Photography by Travis Krause. Edited by myself.

Promotional video.
Video produced and edited by Travis Krause. Footage from various sources.

Album release teaser video.
Animation, 3D modeling, and video by Chad McClure, art direction by myself.

Album art applied to sound reactive bass drum.

Promotional stickers in die cut hexagon shape, mimicking album art. Straight from shipping package to toilets at dive bars.

Singularity — Album Art

Singularity — Album Art

Album artwork and rollout including teaser video, promotional video, photography, and merchandise.
