Rupa Chaturvedi's profile

FUSE: Interactive Workspace

Need Space
Some of the key stress points in the day to day life of high schollers are effective time management, homework completion, college applications and family environment/parenting styles. They get distracted easily and often have to work with shared spaces at school or home.
Point of View
High schoolers procrastinate and create stress for themselves because they find it difficult to transition from one mental space to another. We’d like to enable them to make these transitions easier,, thereby empowering them to perform better and live a less stressful life.
Concept Description
Fuse is a collaborative workspace consisting of 3 components: an intelligent workdesk, an image processing and capturing system and interactive avatars.
Key Value Created
Fuse motivates our user to transition to working mode by providing information on when her peers are doing hoemwork for instance. The system enables collaboration without any distractions, as users no longer need to login to computers or social networking sites for the same. The interactive avatars offer companionship and richer engagement while the overall system aims to enable effective time management.
FUSE: Interactive Workspace

FUSE: Interactive Workspace

Fuse is a collaborative workspace consisting of 3 components: an intelligent workdesk, an image processing and capturing system and interactive a Read More
