Elke Basting's profile

Character design: Irving Eugene Evans

Hi y'all!

So for this assignment we would get 3 random words that said something about the personality, the setting and the job of a character we got 2 weeks for to design. I got the words "shy, western scientist".

and this is the end result!
So first off we had to make a moodboard and a background story. Here's my moodboard:
When i was searching for pictures, i got the idea that he might be one of those snake oil sellers, but that his potions actually work becuase he did the science for it, but because of his shy nature he'd be really bad at selling them.

And here's the backstory:

Name: Irving Eugene Evans
Age: 20’s-ish? Teenager?
Gender: Male
Occupation: Traveling medicine man.
Setting: 1880’s West America.

- Has got a self-made mechanical horse named Fred, which can talk from his mechanical heart.
- Has got a pet rat named Nikola, which he is very fond of and cares for deeply.Has a traveling medicine show wagon (which might be a time machine?), filled to the brim with scientific doodads and various tools for pharmacy, alchemy and mechanics. SCIENCE.
- Tried to sell his potions and creations, which “actually” work, but is too shy to advertise them properly. 
- Is more often chased away from settlements than greeted.
- Has got a rival who sells fake stuff, gets to settlements before him, which makes the townsfolk suspicious of any new salesman.
- Was raised in a fancy family, who lived in a villa with an own library. He didn’t talk for much of his youth, so his parent thought he was stupid. He spent most of his time in the library, reading away book after book. When his late mother passed away from an illness, he decided to learn more about medicine and to become a doctor. He was still young when this happened and still didn’t speak, and his father decided that he probably wouldn’t be fit for any kind of respectable job, so he was sent to travel with a man who would teach him his profession and take him along to New York. He lied. This man was a medicine man who would travel west from town to town to heal those who lived too far away from any doctors. He would scam the rich if he needed to but help the poor when he could. He even treated the Native Americans, which was looked down upon by many. He had actual talent and knowledge about many fields of science, and noticed that Henry had that too, despite not talking.

Then we would make silhouettes! down here are mine: 
Then, based on my favourite silhouettes, i'd make some designs in grayscale. I really liked the 3rd and combined it with the strongest elements of the other designs to make the final one.
And that's it! I hoped you liked it!
Character design: Irving Eugene Evans

Character design: Irving Eugene Evans


Creative Fields