Grant Saunders's profile

Digital Falsehoods


animation for RSA Post truth speech

The idea for Digital Falsehoods lies within the fragmentation of news and the atomisation of gossip, mainly spread on internet platforms. The alarming speeds at which this spreads and the social bubbles that this creates online mean that people are more likely to listen to what they want to hear rather than an expert opinion. I have addressed the issue of the internet; the biggest cause of post truth spreading and becoming exacerbated. The theme of the internet, as well as the distribution and conveyance of information, is the main aesthetic cue of how I have visually enhanced the speech. 
Each part of the speech required specific visual treatment for the audio content. The graphic elements needed to clearly portray what was being said as well as create a powerful impact on the viewer. The imagery above includes some of the scenes that required the most work and were most complex to create. I used a combination of 2d physics as well as particle simulators in order to create some of the pixel effects and the string that can be seen in the puppet and 'very difficult task' segments. 
This piece won the RSA Natracare award
Digital Falsehoods

Digital Falsehoods

Animation for the RSA moving pictures brief on Post Truth. This piece was awarded the RSA Natracare award. The theme behind the animation relates Read More
