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The Distorted Origins - A coffee table book

As any coffee table book, “The Distorted Origins” is a book heavy on imagery and a good conversation starter. It talks about the origins of popular fairytales.

Once upon a time, long before Gus Gus and Prince Charming, fairy tales were brimming with murder and torture. True love’s kiss and happily ever afters were child’s play for the writers that came before Walt Disney. Giambattista Basile, Hans Christian Andersen, J.M. Barrie and the Grimm Brothers much preferred a haunting tale over a romantic one, a few of their most harrowing details have been lost in translation.
This book consists of a photography series inspired by the original stories.
The difference in the imagery, typography and colour scheme shows the contrast in the more realistic original story and the romanticised modern versions. 

Modern Version : An Old style theme is used for all the visual elements. It depicts how romanticised and unrealistic these versions are.    
Original Version : Modern visual elements reflect the honesty and realistim in these versions.The body depicts a piece of missing information. 
Size : 15 x 10 inches. 12 column lcm grid.

Modern Version

Display Text :
Anglican Text : Regular
Calligraphic font used to add drama.

Body Text :
Adobe Caslon Pro: Regular
Old style serif typeface, widely used in stories

Original Version

Display and Body Text :
ITC Franklin Gothic : Book, Demi, Heavy Bold,
used for headlines and factual information.

Some of the images have been sourced from the internet. They have been solely used for educational purposes. All rights belong to their respective owners.
The Distorted Origins - A coffee table book


The Distorted Origins - A coffee table book
