This is a  Zen Rewards tier system that will allow Lululemon customers to keep track of how many points they have accumulated every time they purchase a product. In doing so they will have access to special prizes, exclusive offers, early sales and much more once they've arrived at the generosity tier.
Headline: What you workout in matters. What you get rewarded for, it matters
Copy: You’re in control of your mind, body and soul. Focus your energy on you. Wrap your mind around the spiritual elements that surround you. Remain calm, stay connected with self, be at peace and spread generosity! Earn points, Receive exclusive offers and an early access to sales using the Zen rewards app!
Lululemon customer will utilized the Zen app to track their points they've accumulated real time. This app features the zen points brake down by tier, Redeem points for prizes and receive exclusives offers such as an invite to special yoga events and a $500 persistence gift card.
 The placement of this banner ad is to further reach the target audience to make yoga and fitness lovers aware that we're a missing piece to their puzzle.  
Elevator Ambient to engage with target audience. By breathing in when they get into the elevator and breathe out once they've exit. Due to audience dealing with stress on a constant bases when going to work, appointments.etc it will reduce the anxiety they have once they participate in this exercise. 
COPY INSIDE ELEVATOR: Be calm.Connect with self. Be at peace. Spread generosity.
Using the zen rewards app. You'll receive exclusive offers and sales when collecting points with every Lululemon purchase you make.
Lululemon Rewards


Lululemon Rewards
