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ixtract | Modular Infographics Multiple Channels

Infographics on virus infections: how it works

Together with Hermes Arzneimittel GmbH we developed a mini-series of two infographics, were we were asked to explain how a virus infection especially in winter season works. The clue of the whole graphic was, that it will work in all reasonable formats, thus the concept was build on modular panels. The whole story fits into a slideshow on a microsite, into multiple posts on Twitter or facebook, a single banner-graphic on Pinterest or it deals perfectly as a Din A3 printout.
German version: http://ixtract.de/portfolio-item/hermes-multi-channel-infografik
First of all we had to design a basic character, which could act as a guide and lead through the infographic. Here are some scetches to get a better feeling of our "assistant professor":
Above there are the slideshow modules, beneath you will see the Pinterest banner Infographic.
And here we go with the second part of our mini-series, where we describe the development of a potential, active substance.
ixtract | Modular Infographics Multiple Channels


ixtract | Modular Infographics Multiple Channels

Modular Infographics for multiple channels
