BEAM | An Interactive Installation

Assignment | The One Academy
How do you spread happiness through a public installation?
BEAM is an interactive installation that aims to spread happiness to the community. Riding on the notion that laughter is contagious, the user is instructed to hold a smile in front of the installation in which face recognition technology with detect the intensity of their smile and trigger various humorous animations the longer they hold the smile.

The users smile which would eventually be turned into genuine laughter will be captured on camera. Other bystanders that watch the commotion would also end up laughing.  
210cm x 260cm hand-painted backdrop.
A series of promotional posters
​​​​​​​BEAM was showcased in three exhibitions. The rstshowcase at The One Academy, a public exhibition in supporting IAHV’s 10k smiles yoga event at Setia City Mall and a Digital Art & Creative Design Expo at Sunway Convention Centre. 
A compilation of smiles.
BEAM | An Interactive Installation