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The Sound of Earth | Illustration Poster

The Sound of Earth | Illustration Poster
This project that began in late January was based around the idea of creating an illustration-based poster that would become a parody-like advertisement for the Voyager Golden Record that was placed on Voyager 1 in 1977, and shortly after sent into deep space in the hopes of being found by extra-terrestrial life to help provide an “audio explanation” of planet Earth.

As for the joke within the parody, I wanted the combination of text and illustration to communicate the idea that extra-terrestrial life would more than likely be impressed by the fact that the vinyl had not only ‘gone golden’ (a phrase used in the music industry to recognise an album that has sold exemplary) but also the realisation that the record itself is heading their way. This, in effect, would encourage them to play it, and hear all the hype and fuss for themselves.

The visual style of the poster combines simple shapes, vintage and retro-based textures, Helvetica fonts, and lighting effects that I feel capture a more modernised version of 1970s sci-fi book covers, especially when that decade itself was the time that the Voyager programme took place.

For the display mockup, I wanted to place the final outcome in a wooden frame collectors-like setting, alongside an erosion texture to help bring an element of horror to the poster, due to the fact that the record itself is seen heading into the unknown of deep dark space.

So, be sure to tell me what you think in the comment section below!

This is a non-commercial project.

*Some imagery has been subject to alteration and editing*

Fonts - Helvetica Neue
Display Mockup - GraphBerry
Display Mockup
Final Design
The Sound of Earth | Illustration Poster

The Sound of Earth | Illustration Poster

An illustration parody-based poster that advertises the Voyager Golden Record to extra-terrestrial life.
