Blanc (white) is a book about a photographer, Gina Contel, who tries to capture white moments such as a landscape or even a feeling. She thought this project as a way of connecting to a close person who had recently died. It's an intimate project, but it's very clear. The design had to reflect all the concepts the photographer wanted to give in her photos.

So, as an editorial project I wanted to show all the feelings through mixing the photos with little poems talking about the same concepts. Through the design I tried to reflect every concept in the way the information was shown. From the shape of the poems, playing with the tipography, to the huge words on tracing paper, on every picture, trying to take an element from the photo and converting it into tipography.

I thought about the packaging, wich had to be something intimate, and I decided to use an envelope to reflect that this book is something the photographer is kind of sending as a present to the person she lost.


Blanc (white) is an editorial project about a photographer.
