The Uncut | 1/5
Kathie was sloshed after 5 shots, She couldn't understand anything until someone held her. They not only found pleasure in each other but comfort. No one  out of the two realized what happened but for that very night, for that very moment life was perfect.

Concept and Captured by Mansi Vijayvargia
Model: Hinal Patel and Arpita Srivastava
The Uncut | 2/5
"Wait, what?" Kathie asked herself. She didn't know what to say to the stranger beside her, or how to react that unknown but blissful feeling which she experienced last night. She wanted to speak out loud about the awkwardness in the room, but reserved Kathie chose to stay silent.

Concept and captured by Mansi vijayvargia
Model: Hinal Patel and Arpita Srivastava
The Uncut | 3/5
She was not afraid of the touch again but the consequences of it. She knew nothing will be same again and didn't want to become a stranger in the perfect surroundings of hers. Sticking to her decision of not talking she accepted ignorance and discomfort over contentment.

Concept and Captured by: Mansi Vijayvargia
Model: Hinal Patel and Arpita Srivastava
The Uuncut | 4/5
Kathie broke the silence, she spoke about it. She knew they will be standouts in a circle of people with set pattern of ideologies. people who knew about imperfections around but were ashamed to talk about it. But together they are ready, ready to live how they wanted to.
The Uncut | 5/5
They masked themselves from the piles of judgment coming from society and embraced each other. They wanted to care about the people around but the feeling of being together was much more than that. Scared teenagers wanted to unleash the uncut version of the world by choosing the path less travelled.
The Uncut

The Uncut
