Mobile application to help identify which plants can help cure or alleviate certain health problems.
The icons were made with watercolour to give the design a natural aspect.
Since the application has personal information about the user, it’s important to include a home page with
 a secure password.
1-Profile and details available

2-Search section

3-Plants that a person possesses

4-Health problems

5-The application sends notifications depending on the type of plants that a person has, to remind them to water their plants or to give it sunlight.
1-Profile and details available at any time during the navigation of the different pages.

2-When you start writing a letter in the search bar,
the search engine automatically eliminates
the plants or the health problems that do not start with the first written letter.

3-Health problems as well as plants appear and
the icons identify if it is one or the other.
Mobile app