Various Ink drawings done with marker, pen & quills.
When learning to draw, I was obsessed by the use of the line by artists. After all, I learned from comic artists & that is their main tool for translating form, light & shadow. As simple as a line may seem, their are so many ways to use it, that after 20 years I still am unable to convince myself of mastering it. Perhaps that is the mystery behind the line. So simple, yet so vast. I have compiled some of my modest ink drawings here & there are 100 more that I still have yet to scan, but I suppose it will always be that way, as my quest for perfecting the line continues. 
This is a strange portrait, done while thinking of my dog ( a boston terrier). who often looks at me strangely, probably wondering what I'm doing up at 3 am starring at a blank piece of paper.
I'm obsessed with drawing all things organic, especially trees & people. After all, my last name comes from the latin word for forest. This piece says something of the equilibrium between plant life & humanity. You cant have one, without the other. Created with quills & acrylic pigmented ink.
My artwork tends to be very detailed & sometimes busy. But there is beauty in simplicity. I created this one to represent that beauty  ( the flower ) is wonderful, but it will never truly flourish in captivity. The flower is sad & frowning while looking down at her pot, which acts as her chains, Much like many of us. Her roots will always remain encased & lonely.
Here's another simple yet odd one I entitled " Self". The reason for this is because he's strange, and awkward , with big teeth and ears. People will often stare at him in wonder, disgust & discard him from their memories. However strange & frightening to some, he has a slightly curious & inquisitive look on his face as he glares back at you. He feels the same fear & distrust towards you. It is how I feel that I relate to people on a regular & everyday basis.  
Is it still art if all that was used is a bic pen & a scrap of leftover copy paper? Done during  one of my many unfruitful sales jobs, the product of boredom & imagination.
" Inner demons" - 

because there is beauty within although there are horrible & evil things.                                                                                And when I unleash them upon the world, I wish to no longer be seen." - D.Silva

 A piece created with quills, that speaks of  anger & how it can lead to embarrassment if left unchecked.

A Modern twist, on a traditional icon. Inspired by my " tattoo period". Created with quills & higgins ink.
Splashes of Ink

Splashes of Ink

This is an adventure into the versatility of plain ink drawings. black & white no color. a collection of simple & detailed illustrations
