What is Lament?
- to feel or express regret for: “We all lament her death”
- a poem or piece of music which laments something: “This song is a lament for those killed in battle.”
- a show of grief, regret etc: “I’m not going to sit listening to her laments all day.”

The project Lament is about 2 things. How far you will dive into this project, how much you feel, see and think, that's all up to you. Lament is a project that wants you to feel. Do you want to stay on the surface and follow the given baseline? Or do you want to dive in deep and think further.. You may feel the connection with the animals that have been illustrated, the feeling of loss, grieve and sorrow.
This project shows the intense and complex feelings animals have. The base of the project is about animal grieving rituals. Thinking further, these rituals show you that they are living creatures with true and complex feelings. Do they grieve the same way as we do? This project illustrates 4 grieving rituals. These are rituals from the African Elephant, the Magpie, the Monkey (Rhesus Macaque used as reference for the illustration) and the Whale (Humpback Whale is used as reference for the illustration).
Preview of the process book
This book tells you all bout the process of the project, how it's started and what it means.
Preview of the information booklet
The second thing the project wants to achieve is for you to think further then the first goal which is written above.
Since animals have such complex emotions, how do we handle them? Think about lab animals and fur coats. Think about the enormous amount of plastic that is wandering around in the ocean, seaturtles choking because they've swallowed it, mistaking it for food. Will you bring your own bag doing groceries next time instead of buying a plastic bag?
Think about buying shampoo that has not been tested on animals.
This project wants you to think about this on your own, creating your own goals to make it all a little bit better, let you decide what you want to do yourself. 
It all starts with you eventually.
Illustrations showing the grieving rituals 
Some process pictures and a video underneath this;
Time lapse of the whale illustration
This project has been made in memory of our shared compassion.

