Claire Tsai's profile

GARDENS MAGIC | Direct Mail, Branding

Wellington City Council showcases a wide variety of local legends and rising stars on the Botanic Garden Soundshell stage. As the sun goes down, the surrounding gardens are transformed with a magical lighting installation. Eighteen nights perfect for a summer picnic with family or friends.

To lure people to join this flagship Summer City event, a feeling of expectancy is necessary. Ghibli Museum in Japan is one of the inspirations for this project, so I want to display an idea; that you can make life more pleasurable once you blend your imagination into reality.  The tale's creatures exist, but they are too shy to display themselves in the form of a human. Normally these creatures live in the remote mountains but some live in the urban environment with us as spies. Because of a gene, they prefer to live in our beautiful garden... The tale will be continued with your creative imagination.
Let's have a midsummer night's dream over eighteen nights with us.
Botanic Garden建立於1868年,為紐西蘭古老花園之一。威靈頓市議會每年夏季都在此舉辦音樂會。隨著太陽下山,舞台周圍的植物們在燈光襯托渲染下,呈現奇幻氛圍。


百年花園 • 古老神話 • 紐西蘭特有種植物


GARDENS MAGIC | Direct Mail, Branding

GARDENS MAGIC | Direct Mail, Branding
