In the beginning...
We pitched for a assignment for the health insurance company Agis to enhance their Zorgcoach concept with a relevant app.

We tried to create a personal help tool to assist the user during his normal life and his possible health issues.
 At first you can report a medical complaint and then the logging of the complaint repeats it self by setting reminders or reporting new issues by your self.

Other functionalities are:
- Adding medicine and set reminders to administer the medication
- Set reminders for appointments
- Set reminders for exercising.
- See all data in your dossier
- Contact the 'Zorgcoach' to ask specific questions about your health insurance and personal medical needs.
My role was only to create the concept and define the main interactions. I was not entirely involved during the realisation of the app.
Agis Zorgcoach App

Agis Zorgcoach App

Agis Zorgcoach App created during my contract at eFocus.
