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I live for a Dream

I live for a Dream
Digital Graphic Art Series


Digital miniature graphic series of a dream and its ongoing realization in real life. With a Suprematist approach of its terminology in the prism of forms, Geometric-Cubofuturist polydimensionality combined with various subtle graphic art techniques and detail fulfilling effects, I intended to subliminally transmit the 'feel of a dream'.

The subject whirls around the allure philosophical concept of the dream that keeps a human hopeful for tomorrow and for going on with life. The road and aspects that 'the hope' (the dream) undergoes during its realization and most importantly the hope of it being fulfilled sometime in the future, a play that fades and rises time and time again during the ascent of the ladder.

Having all this in mind, the project in itself contains the abstract but fully semantic understanding of life itself, presented as a real world dream in a special square layout. A subjective dream containing the disappointment, desperation, drama, hope and uncertainty, all of life's ingredients, which continues to be revealed and as such completed through life...


The techniques used in the creation of the graphics are quite a mix. They often represent a mixture of layers and surfaces to create a special texture effects, and on the other part is a play of shadow and light to create dimensions and cubist optics.
At other times are the linear drawings used, as the more geometric style suggests its importance on the movements and the overall compositions. The visceral concept is often expressed through rough and dark themes and at times light and soft tones to differentiate between the feel and the levels.

The purple shade is not chosen incidentally, instead it contains the subliminal and transcendental concept of the dream itself, as the crown in the hierarchy of colors, comparatively the dream as the crown of reality from where all the objectivity starts unfolding.
"The Dream"
"Not so quick"
"Gone and Lost"
"The Hope must go on"
"Scars. And suffering is cure to our arrogance"
"Animal nature, Human hopes"
"Critical point"
"The Dream is a sad one after all"
"The Sacrifice. And the ugliness within"
"Return to the innocence"
“Artist is the one who gives the dream a greater reality”.
                    ~ Tahar Ben Jelloun
to be continued...
Hope you enjoyed!
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Taulant Salihi © 2017
I live for a Dream


I live for a Dream

Digital miniature graphic series of a dream and its ongoing realization in real life. With a Suprematist approach of its terminology in the prism Read More
