Billie-Rose Beevors's profile


Candy Bar Project • Scrumptious
Peanut Butter Chocolate Bar by Billie-Rose Beevors, S3604499
The aim of this project was to apply appropriate and illustrative skills to create a foil candy bar wrapper suited to the assigned product title. As you can see I was requested to do 'Scrumptious', a Peanut Butter chocolate bar. We were to design and mockup a digital image involving the product name, main ingredient, and a background to highlight the candy bar.
Here is my sketch development where it all began:
After receiving feedback, I decided to go with concept 1.
Due to my concept ideas, I thought it would be best to illustrate the 'scrumptious' text through illustrator. I really enjoyed using the pen tool for this as it has helped me improve in the technique that can be used for so many jobs throughout graphic design. 

After I finished my title, I decided to pen tool my own chocolate swirl pool as seen in my concepts. After speaking to a few people, the majority of feedback was telling me the chocolate swirl looks like poo... so I looked up on youtube how to make a chocolate swirl and came across a very easy tutorial  that took me one tenth of the time to create! Using this technique I also created the chocolate drops which I was really happy with. 
From now on I will be looking into tutorials before I start almost anything!

A new understanding that has come about from this project is the use of all the layer styles. Without these, my product wouldn't look nearly as realistic as it does now. My wrapper bar was looking so flat and dull before I was exposed to the wonder in photoshop! I really enjoyed using the bevel and emboss and the extra contour effect. It has really helped my illustration pop out and bring it up to a more professional standard.
One of the hardest part of this whole project was picking colours! I really needed to keep peanut butter and chocolate colours to represent the product, but was struggling on picking colours to match. One technique I have learnt from this is to get on board the adobe colour wheel! This is a great way to find a colour scheme especially if you have one colour in your head and want to know what might look good with it. I searched up peanut and it came up with several colour schemes that could be used to represent my main ingredient. It was also really useful for picking my background colour as I already had my colours in place and just needed something to contrast and make it the eye of attention for my final image! 
Overall I am quite happy with how my candy wrapper bar turned out! It took a lot of elimination, feedback, trial and error but its really nice to look back and see how much has changed. This whole process I can see will be used so much in future jobs. I have learnt a lot through this project and I know that the insights from this project will be used so much in the future and I can wait to keep learning more! 



Candy bar wrapper design
