The project was to create our own logos using illustrator. This was our first project in illustrator as given to us my our graphics arts master, Sir Davis. The challenge as mentioned earlier, was to make a logo in which we can use on business cards and other aspects thus illustrating the purpose of vector scaling in Adobe Illustrator.

I originally drew my inspiration from an individual on behance with this 3D version of the word JUMP as seen above. I enjoyed how the letters created a cube like corner that pushed out to the individual looking at it. Likewise, the shadowing created by the angle of the letters added a really cool effect to the image. Finally, I enjoyed how the letters build off of each other and are interconnected.  
This was the first idea I enjoyed so I worked on various sketches to try and plan the image out on paper before transferring it onto Illustrator.
Final Product:
Overall, I feel this version of the business cards without the logo on the front looked the cleanest and most professional. Also to the side are the different variations of the logo I like. 
Fire Logos

Fire Logos

3D logo
